Find a Utah Naturopathic Doctor


Discover the perfect match for your needs among our list of Naturopathic Doctors, no matter where you are located in Utah! You can search by Health Concern, Clinical Focus, and/or Therapeutic Services. Please note that while many doctors are proficient in treating a wide range of health concerns, upon joining as a UANP member, they are encouraged to specialize in their areas of particular interest.   

To explore more search options, extend the Advanced Search to check Telemedicine Availability, Distance, and Hours. If you find that your search is not yielding any results, try simplifying your search.

If you’re interested in becoming a part of the directory, consider joining the UANP as a member or reach out to us for more information.

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Harry Adelson ND

Allison Brumley ND, MAc

Dr. Katie Brussard ND

Rachel Burnett, ND, MSCP

Erin Carner, NMD

Trevor Holly Cates, NMD

Steve Doughty

Christopher J Fabricius, ND

Dr. Carmel Ferreira, NMD, LAc

Dr. Alexander Haskell, ND

Thaddeus Jacobs, ND, LAc

Uli Knorr, ND

Donald T. Leathers. ND

Amanda Lucero ND

Sarah Marshall, ND

Kate Miyagi, ND

Rob Neilson, ND, LAc

Leslie Peterson, ND

Shawn Postma, NMD

Anne Procyk, ND

Dr. Babbie, ND, LAc

Sasha Taylor, ND

Dr. Tristin Wallace, ND