Dr. Haskell is a licensed physician and been in practice for 40 years.
Over the years, Haskell has realized that the primary way to help a person suffering from chronic health issues is to investigate and remove a variety of underlying causes, and there are three.
Nutritional Deficiencies; if our cells do not have the nutrients they require to function optimally then functional symptoms appear. Deficiencies are due to poor food choices and the incomplete digestion and assimilation of these nutrients. Gut parasites and pathogens can also play a role.
Low-Grade Systemic Infections; This second cause includes various bacteria, mold and viruses. Almost always the detection of bacteria and mold circulating in our blood will not be picked up using lab testing but the viewing of a tiny finger prick of blood under a microscope opens up a magnificent microcosm and objectively testifies to the presence of various organisms.
Environmental Toxins; By simply living on this planet we are exposed to thousands of harmful chemicals in the food we eat, the water we drink, the environments within which we live and work, and the ingestion of synthetic medications.
The art of medicine is understanding a person’s symptoms and their relationship with underlying causes, and of course to address and remove these causes.